แปลภาษาอังกฤษเป็นไทย ออนไลน์ แปลภาษา แปลข้อความ แปลบทความ แปลเอกสาร แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทยทั้งประโยค แปลเอกสารภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาไทยทั้งประโยค แปลประโยคอังกฤษเป็นไทย แปลอังกฤษ แปลไทย ฟรี [Translate] English to Thai Translation Translate Translator , ภาษาอังกฤษ มีใช้ในประเทศออสเตรเลีย แคนาดา ไอร์แลนด์ นิวซีแลนด์ สหราชอาณาจักร สหรัฐอเมริกา ไลบีเรีย เบลีซ แอฟริกาใต้ อินเดีย
Hyunseung was smiling, looking at his phone with a photo of him kissing Hyuna lips. It had been months since they had ended their promotion as Troublemaker. They gained more than what they expected, winning awards in a lot of music programs. Though Troublemaker gained quite a number of criticisms and mostly was targeting Hyuna because of her over iness shown on stage. Yet, they gained lots of fame, especially Hyunseung himself. He was hurt reading those comments over the social network. He was there when he saw Hyuna crying over the comment posted on the social network and even some hater sent it to her twitter. Since then, Hyuna stopped using social networking.
Hyunseung smiled even wider at the next photo of Hyuna with his younger sister, Geurim. They were happily chatting as if Hyunseung wasn’t around. Geurim was a fan of Hyuna that she had all the album and poster with signature signed with them and kept them as a treasure. When the news released to everyone about the duo group, Geurim had been bugging him asking him to bring her along if he going to meet Hyuna. When Hyunseung introduced Geurim to Hyuna, the first thing Geurim did was hug Hyuna. However her hugging was too tight that Hyuna was struggling for help and he had to pull her away from Hyuna before she choked his girlfriend to death.
“I miss you.” Hyunseung mumbled. Beast was busy preparing their comeback while 4minute was having their comeback now. They were too busy that both could only exchange texts and calls. A-cube pushing a girl group A-pink and decided to use Beast fame as one advantage and Cube pushing a new boy-group BtoB with 4minute helps. Since then, 4minute and Beast started to distance. What hold them together were the world tours of Cube United. Beast gets closer with A-pink while 4minute getting closer with BtoB. These sadden not only Hyunseung but Hyuna as well. They were friends; they have been through all the hardship together before either the group's debut.
Hyunseung shook his head lightly when he saw the last photo 4beast took together not because of a photo-shoot, but because they were friends, they were a family. But soon, 4beast photo had turned into just when they were asked to and not because they were friends. Things changed between 4beast and wasn’t a really good changed.
“What are you looking at?” Junhyung sat beside Hyunseung and peek over Hyunseung phone. “What make us change?” Hyunseung asked, still looking at the photo but his attention was on one girl, smiling happily behind with the same pose as his just different hands. “What do you mean?” Junhyung asked. Hyunseung always have some random thought that none of the beast actually could understand him. Hyunseung could just sit on the chair in his own thought for the whole day, even when Yoseob was being all noisy. “Our friendship with 4minute.” Hyunseung blunted out. Junhyung looked at Hyunseung weirdly. “Nothing changed. We just busy with our own schedule, but we still friends.” Hyunseung shook his head, disagreed with Junhyung but never said anything. They will never able to discover the small gap between them until when their friendship was irretrievable. Hyunsueng wasn’t hoping for that to happen and he was doing all he could to pull back their friendship. However, being boys, they never really discover the small changes between them with 4minute.
Different from Beast, 4minute knew about that. Their friendship started to distance and they really did try, but Beast just has their attention moved away from them. 4minute stopped their interaction with Beast unless necessary. The relationship between Jihyun and Doojoon started to drift apart that Jihyun decided to put a full stop. Doojoon didn’t understand what actually happened when Jihyun was the one who break off and stopped everything. She was worn out, tired of how Doojoon taking her for granted. She still loved Doojoon however, time moves people changed.
Hyuna told Hyunseung how Jihyun was crying when they were recording “I’m OK.” The lyric reflected how their situation really well. The lyric speaks well how Jihyun felt and this hurt Hyuna a lot. Hyuna was the closer to Jihyun compare to the rest of the members. They shared almost everything in their shared room. Jihyun knew Hyuna lots of secrets and so do Hyuna. They knew each other more than anyone could actually think of. Hyuna was there with Jihyun whenever she was crying herself out because of the decision she made. Jihyun think that is the time to let Doojoon go than having him to herself when the facts that the relationship between them had begun to drift further apart.
Hyuna was afraid that their relationship will become how Jihyun and Doojoon but Hyunseung assured her that no matter what happened, they will always stay together. This was his promise to her and still lived well between them.