This I believe, “Let me get the door for you, “How was your day?” “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” These are they type of questions that I would want my ideal boyfriend to ask me. Not because I want to be selfish but just so I can know that he cares about me. A set of lips are subject to say anything, but when a person puts words into action, you have no choice but to believe them.
As far as their appearance goes, I would like for them to be tall, dark tone and some tattoo’s. I would like for their personality to be honest, loyal, compassionate, intelligent, and most importantly GOD FEARING. I would rather him have the personality than the looks. If he had any of the opposite traits that would automatically make him an unattractive person to me. I would want him to be honest with me at ALL TIMES! Even when he believes that his honesty will hurt my feelings. I would want him to be honest in spite of me because anything you do in the dark will come to light. I would prefer there be no darkness to begin with.
Being loyal is not just something I would want him to be to me but also to his family and friends. Loyalty is something people should be to any of their close friends! You should always be there for the ones who have been there for you and NEVER bite the hand that feeds you. If a guy cannot be loyal to his family or friends then I know he would not be loyal to a girl. Loyalty in a relationship is crucial because if we are supposed to be each other’s significant other then that is the way it should stay at all times. If either one of us chooses to be anything else at any time we should be able to express before anybody becomes dishonest. l. Not being loyal is just an ugly trait because it shows you cannot be consistent to a person that you claim to care for.
Having compassion for your significant other is at the top of the list because when different life situations come about you should feel comfortable with sharing your inner most feelings with them as well as trusting that they will not judge you and put their best foot forward into helping you get through your situation. When you hurt, they should hurt. They should never push your feelings off to the side just because it is not their problem. My ideal boyfriend would just be the shoulder I need to cry on!
My ideal boyfriend would have to be intelligent because of course we will have conversation from and intellectual stimulating conversation is healthy for the brain sometime. If he cannot hold an intelligent conversation with you then there is a slim to none chance that you can be my boyfriend. I want to be able to talk to my boyfriend about things that talk real time to think about. We do not only have to talk about simple things like relationships, I want to be able to talk about important things like religion and politics. I just want to talk about meaningful maybe even life changing events.
The most important characteristic I would want for my ideal boyfriend to have is to be a man of GOD. Religion is important to me because I am a lady of GOD. If he does not have a relationship with God, then we cannot have one either. We have to be able to pray together, go to church together, and make our relationship grow together as a couple.
My ideal boyfriend may seem unrealistic, too perfect, and demanding but I do think someone like him is out there. I just have to have the patience and trust in God and wait for him to come to me. I do not want to lessen what I want or settle for anything less because then I will eventually become unhappy and miserable. My happiness is my main priority!