Today, video games are playing a very
constructive role in educating people of all
demographics at schools, community and
workplace. Video games are playing a big
role in shaping the learning techniques for
the kids. The best part of video games is that
even infants react to the glamour and shine
of the video game. Games are used to
increase the sense powers of the infants,
who sense growth is retarded.
Games are playing a vital role in primary,
high schools, colleges and universities. In
schools, games are used as a tool to increase
the efficiency of the students to learn things
quickly and in a much better way.
Universities are using video games to train
students in technical fields like
Aeronautical, Electrical and Computer Engineering. Games fetch the interest of the
students. While playing a game, they utilize
their skills to learn the game and perform
better every time they play. In the natural
flow of gaming, students learn the technical
aspects of the subjects, which can be used in
the real world.
The games have completely changed the
lifestyle of kids and the younger generation.
The kids playing new online games like
Monopoly and Soduko are not only
increasing their analytical skills but also
their ability to handle various situations like
panic, stress and public relations better than
their parents.
In a study done in New York, one set of
surgeons played video games for 3 hours a
week, while the other set played none. The
set which played the video games made 37
percent fewer mistakes during laparoscopic
surgery and finished the surgery 27 percent
faster. In another study, gamers and athletes
were compared upon their hand eye
coordination. People who played both sports
and games were the highest, followed by
gamers, and then athletes.
In two separate studies, video game players
had better success identifying items in visual
environments. One study showed that people
who played action games had a 20 percent
better success rate in identifying a T in a
cluttered environment. In another study,
those who play action video games on a
regular basis can process visual information
faster and can track 30 percent more objects
than non gamers. Thus, gaming can also
make kids smarter.
People who play video games display fluid
intelligence, or problem solving. Managing
multiple objectives and multiple resources is
one of the goals that help one to become
smarter. Learning the rules of the game and
what strategy works best for someone also
helps the same person. Since video games
are driven by goals, they need a hypothesis.
If it does not work, they redo their
hypothesis in order for it to work.
Computer games encourage students and
adults to play together to work at a team.
They are a fun way to help them learn to
deal with the changing technology, and help
increase their self esteem. In today's society
most children seem to be lacking a tag of
self esteem and it seems to be growing
increasingly harder to pep up the depressed
child. Computer games can help with that.
As a student progresses through a game they
get the accomplishment of completing a
level which makes them feel good about
themselves. It helps them to understand
different emotions they are going through
and in some cases helps them to empathize
with the opposite sex. Most of the games
today allow one to pick a female or male
character. While most people pick their own
gender, some people choose to play the
opposite sex. While some studies show that
most games target boys, satisfying their
desire for action, speed, and power, a lot of
girls are getting more and more into these
same interests. A study in 2009 showed that
3 times more boys played computer games
than girls, but the girls that do play are
usually more avid players than the boys.
Social Skills seem to be another controversy
on whether computer games are good or
bad. Many claim that the games make the
student reclusive and anti-social but what
these studies don’t want to show is that most
of these that seem to be excluding
themselves from other people are actually
playing with other people. Most children and
young adults prefer to play in pairs or small
groups, making it a competition. Playing in
these groups and pairs helps them strategize