Current results showed that breeder age by day of
incubation interactions occurred for percentage YL and
several yolk fatty acids. However, there were notable
consistent associated changes between percentage YL and
a few fatty acids in response to breeder age. When comparing
26- and 30-wk-old breeders, decreased percentages
of YL at 16 and 17 d of incubation in the younger
age group were associated with decreased yolk linolenic
and myristic and increased stearic and arachidonic acids
between 16 and 19 d. Decreased yolk oleic acid at 16 and
18 d of incubation was also found in the 26-wk-old group
compared with those at 30 wk. These results suggest that
the uptake of linolenic, myristic, and oleic acids by embryos
from the younger hens was greater in proportion
to other fatty acids in conjunction with an increase in
percentage YL utilization.