The problem of rural-urban migration in Nigeria has resulted in very dense urban populations. The location of poultry and aquaculture enterprises in urban and peri-urban areas of the country has exacerbated the problem of pollution. However, these wastes can be a valuable resource for use in agriculture. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of fibre glass fish tank effluent, poultry manure, NPK and control on two eggplant varieties and weeds. The response of eggplant fruit yield to poultry manure was significant and greater than the response to fish effluent, which also gave higher yield than NPK fertilizer or control. Kaduna variety produced yield that was higher by 71% and had lower weed density compared to Ngwa local. The highest gross monetary returns were obtained from application of poultry manure, followed by fish effluent while Kaduna variety had higher returns than Ngwa local.