Mango, a tropical fruit of great economic importance, is generally harvested green and then commercialised after a
period of storage. Unfortunately, the final quality of mango batches is highly heterogeneous, in fruit size as well as in
gustatory quality and postharvest behaviour. A large amount of knowledge has been gathered on the effects of the
maturity stage at harvest and postharvest conditions on the final quality of mango. Considerably less attention has
been paid to the influence of environmental factors on mango growth, quality traits, and postharvest behaviour. In
this paper, we provide a review of studies on mango showing how environmental factors influence the
accumulation of water, structural and non-structural dry matter in the fruit during its development. These changes
are discussed with respect to the evolution of quality attributes on the tree and after harvest. The preharvest
factors presented here are light, temperature, carbon and water availabilities, which can be controlled by various
cultural practices such as tree pruning, fruit thinning and irrigation management. We also discuss recent
advances in modelling mango function on the tree according to environmental conditions that, combined with
experimental studies, can improve our understanding of how these preharvest conditions affect mango growth
and quality.