Women dresses (Dress, Dresses) are terms applied to Thai people call a type of clothing that actually. The meaning of the word actually refers to the Dress clothes in General, regardless of whether it is clothes for women or men's clothing or dresses with jackets or shirts, skirts can be separated with a piece called the same can be applied to all short dresses as a series (Short Dress) series.Long dresses or Dress Shirt, which might represent the same men, shirt, etc. Best Thai people means we apply until a series of dresses, it means a woman's or a set of clothes. Purely, whether dress dresses that are next to each other in a single batch as a set or as garments series split with chutkraprong but must be set in the same way as the Sub Division came out again, several different styles, such as short dresses collection. Long dresses dress dresses dresses into the image. IP series work. Dresses dresses dress Korea series, hit, etc., which is different to the run that Zack (Sack) is one of the great Saxon series is necessarily the same series or as garments set with chutkraprong by a simple notice is required as a single piece, which actually. The word Sack in the English translation itself will translate that sacks don't have any meaning associated with women's clothes, but the coverage groups (ReqGroup) form. If we go overseas and go to Sack in a clothing store. Foreigners do not understand that we are looking for clothing, nothing. Therefore, the term Saxon series comes from no one knows what may happen from somebody that this terminology because it has similar set of the Hessian-Saxon. As the series wore down skirts and dresses Over the past Thai people will get stuck or garments series series titkraprong series ngariak tooth, whether it is a foot-and-mouth infections and Zack together highly prevalent. In the past quarter, but consists of. Thai people proficient in English. Start with more knowledge then called a series of dresses together, because the IP series in English, but there are no set meaning Saxon itself with English words, but the words still not disappear when Saxon series. There are some people who get infected with foot-and-mouth is by the meaning of that term refers to a Thai man for a series of dresses and Zack g but not for different.