Opportunities for K-12 students to choose virtual and blended learning
experiences continue to grow. All 50 states including Washington, D.C.,
now offer some virtual experience in K-12 education. Of these, 40 states
have state virtual schools or state-led online learning initiatives. In addition,
federal and state support for this type of learning continues to expand.
Field experiences are beginning to be available for virtual school teachers;
however, little information is available on field experiences for pre-service
administrators in virtual K-12 settings. This study provides a status report on
the state of school administrator preparation for K-12 online and blended
learning programs in the United States. This research was conducted by
surveying initial certification Educational Leadership programs regarding
the extent that pre-service administrators are exposed to K-12 online
learning environments. Results indicate that very few Educational Leadership
programs provide any administrator preparation for leading a K-12 virtual
school or teachers of online courses. Important ramifications exist for
Educational Leadership programs preparing educators to lead fully online
and blended learning programs.