#151: Teased the beautiful woman!
Qing Shui hesitant, nods toward the woman then turns toward mother to smile, moved toward in the teasing sounds of Qing You several people just had come the shortly after backyard!
This time arrives at the backyard, Qing Shui discovered the time of using has been obviously less, saw when familiar lonely beautiful figure in the feeling heart is blissful, Qing Shui told itself to with a heart of warming up melt Shi Qingzhuang!
A fiery red attire, such as the ice-cold flame, after turning the head to see Qing Shui as before together, the facial expression has not fluctuated, not happily not sad!
„Qingzhuang, I preventing our impasses made a connection!” Qing Shui saw that does not have the expression Qing face to plant chilly to love dearly, he likes visiting her to smile very much, likes visiting her to smile faintly very much the sweet and pretty appearance!
Hears words Shi Qingzhuang very obvious feel of Qing Shui to be a little astonished, chilly beautiful pupil a little confused is looking at Qing Shui, even this moment Qing Shui does not know that she is actually thinking anything.
„I discuss marriage today, your mother said that you are not willing to exit, therefore I come to here to accompany you!” Qing Shui then continued.
„Had not said the day of getting married, when you are willing to get married we to get married immediately, you do not reach an agreement well!” Qing Shui looks Shi Qingzhuang decides looks at itself, but has to say the matter, Qing Shui has been familiar with a person Luo the wordy speech.
„Qing Shui, can you do not compel me, can let me freely!”
Qing Shui hears the Shi Qingzhuang words to be startled, then smiles bitterly was saying: „So long as you do not marry other man, the looking man not secretly, what freedom I gives you, even if you do not want to get married really for a lifetime, you did say like this?”
Shi Qingzhuang heard the Qing Shui half meat words unable to bear cast a sidelong glance slantingly Qing Shui, stemmed from saying of Qing Shui anticipation: „Does not use such, five years later, if you also wanted my this woman at that time, I marry you, even if your wife and concubines of that time in groups!”
Qing Shui feels is very speechless, since the exit promises her, let alone five years, ten years must comply, but fortunately, the status has decided
„Today started you are my Qing Shui fiancee, I was very happy, finally generation of grace and talents, my this fiance had any privilege the fiancee of certainly, for example helped you warm the bedding, and,” Qing Shui to say with a laugh.
„Does not have the privilege, most to the bystander said that I am your person, but you cannot touch me!” Shi Qingzhuang „charming” was angry, that chilly feminine qualities specially have the lethality.
„Didn't ask me to go to the room to sit? Husband must have a look in your room whether has the Tibetan?”
„You look to hit!”
Qing Shui hey bypasses Shi Qingzhuang to walk toward her room with a smile, but holds that Wen Liang sprout conveniently!
After Shi Qingzhuang calls out in alarm was drawn by Qing Shui is entering the room!
That familiar feeling, the exquisite soft small hands, is only same as her Qing face, is a little cool, after letting Qing Shui grips, think to be nice and warm it, is nice and warm her heart, he wants to have a look at Shi Qingzhuang that glacier to melt most shocks beautifully one side!
„Qing Shui, you must make anything, reaches an agreement is free to me!” Shi Qingzhuang is a little flurried saying that a little blushes, wants to break away the hand of Qing Shui actually grasp is tighter!
„To hold your hand, you think that what I do want to make? You think, and, me are not the casual person, if you want to devastate me, I will revolt!” Qing Shui looks that gradually lifts blushes saying that bashfully the indignant Qing face ponders.
„Your scoundrel, you dies!” Shamed anxious Shi Qingzhuang to put out a hand on Qing Shui to beat several, the position was just the chest!
Qing Shui looks at a little little children's Shi Qingzhuang, does not know how to grasp her, lightly is actually very much hugs is very tight!
„Qingzhuang, since previous time we leave, will have remembered you, even feels is very agitated, I do not know that this is the love, the man and woman are different, the man has the desire to have the love first again, I saw that in Qing Village first you have to you, and,”
„Cannot say, without me agreed that do not think, today you were very impolite to me, if you love, me, respects my point!” Shi Qingzhuang [smile | hear] of he said is getting more and more undisguised . Moreover the facial skin is very thick, said own!
This also seems the Qing Shui discovery copes with the Shi Qingzhuang means that is no matter her lonely jade face how ice-cold, how should say how saying that spoke of her to be shameful, ripped open that [say / way] ice-cold coat!
„I respect certainly you, actua