However perfect, therefore, the monarchical form may appear to some politicians, it owes all its
perfection to the republican; nor is it possible, that a pure despotism, established among a
barbarous people, can ever, by its native force and energy, refine and polish itself. It must
borrow its laws, and methods, and institutions, and consequently its stability and order, from free
governments. These advantages are the sole growth of republics. The extensive despotism of a
barbarous monarchy, by entering into the detail of the government, as well as into the principal
points of administration, for ever prevents all such improvements.
However perfect, therefore, the monarchical form may appear to some politicians, it owes all itsperfection to the republican; nor is it possible, that a pure despotism, established among abarbarous people, can ever, by its native force and energy, refine and polish itself. It mustborrow its laws, and methods, and institutions, and consequently its stability and order, from freegovernments. These advantages are the sole growth of republics. The extensive despotism of abarbarous monarchy, by entering into the detail of the government, as well as into the principalpoints of administration, for ever prevents all such improvements.I.XIV.27
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