13. Conclusion
VD inadequacy is a global problem and widespread prevalence
of its deficiency in India is undeniable. Although recommendations
of daily VD intake have been provided, higher levels
are required in order to have real preventive or treatment
effects as numerous studies have proved. UVB radiation plays
178 journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma 6 (2015) 173–183an alternative in improving VD content other than oral
supplementation. Its advantage is that it wills not cause
VD intoxication since excessive VD will be broken down by
UVB. However, a number of factors of the UVB such as
wavelength, duration of exposure are needed to be carefully
controlled so as to avoid erythema. Factually, sun exposure is
an untenable solution, for most individuals in India, towards
attaining VD sufficiency. Low calcium intake in conjunction
with VD deficiency makes matters worse. The need for
improvement in vitamin status of the Indian population is
both important and urgent. The Indian government needs to
take substantive measures in this direction. Revision of
recommended daily allowance of calcium and VD is required.
Despite the close link of VD with human health, VD
inadequacy is not widely recognized as a problem by
physicians and patients. Not only VD deficiency produces
skeletal changes but may also be responsible for causation
and or progression of many other non musculoskeletal
diseases. Hence, greater awareness of this problem is
required among researchers, clinician, and patients about
VD inadequacy and its consequences. On the contrary, the
misuse and abuse of VD supplementation must also be
highlighted as it can cause life threatening hypercalcemia is
some patients. The value of extra skeletal use of VD, at
present, is doubtful in various chronic diseases as its use in
these conditions had been based on observational data and
mixed quality evidence from predominately small trials.
Appropriate interpretation of the data is further muddied by
seemingly endless media reports suggesting vitamin D as a
panacea for chronic disease.157