Honey.. thanks for the time you are giving me to reply my mail I never felt that way before. The happiness, the joy, the special feeling of that moment is unforgettable. It was the moment I start feeling that I am actually alive. It’s the moment I saw you first. You are my first and the last love.
I really appreciate your interest in our relationship, and i love to read your message because i found meaning in it whenever i read them,i feel honored having you in my life and i am right to say that you are that special one that could bring memories to me.
Even though I never had any such relationship with you before,Relationship is all about understanding in every aspect of life which is acceptable in human society.In my heart,I truly love to build a good relationship that could shape our future and will show all cares and love.
I promise to make your life happy if you are true and sincere to me,because i need a true love affection without any feeling of pretense ... then I will respect and help you OK? Although we have some hours time differences, I will always make out time to write to you. and I will need more attention and your effort to keep this relationship moving. OK,
With Love Attach here is my pictures and my mum when i was a kid