2.5. Fermentation conditions
Five fermentation parameters were evaluated: (1) the addition
of glucose, lactose or sucrose (1%, W/W) to steamed red beans, (2)
fermentation in a cap-tight roller bottle (9.5 cm (D) 23.0 cm (H), 1
turn/min) or in a stainless steel tray (28.0 cm (L) 20.0 cm
(W) 5.5 cm (H)) covered with aluminum foil, (3) incubation in a
temperature controlled fermentation room at 30 or 37 C, (4) with
or without stirring the substrates every 24 h with a sterile spatulas,
and (5) incubation for 0e120 h. Effects of the growth stage of
starters on the biofunctions of fermented red beans were determined
as well.