Traditionally, antimicrobial agents were directly added to foods[6]; however, direct application of antibacterial substances in foods has limited benefit because active substances may be neutralized, partially inactivated, sensorially deteriorated or easily diffused on contact into the food mass. Therefore, the useof packaging films incorporating antimicrobial or antioxidanta gents, by slow migration and helping to maintain high concentrations, can be more efficient, allowing effective agents tobe released from the package during an extended period [9,18].Edible films have limitations having to do with their mechanical or barrier properties, such as brittleness and high moisturepermeability. The addition of plasticizers both decreases brittle-ness and increases the flexibility of the film, which are important attributes in packaging applications [7]. Hydrophobic compounds,such as lipids, are frequently incorporated into hydrocolloid-based films to decrease water-vapor permeability (WVP) [19].The incorporation of plant essential oils instead of vegetable,seed, or grain oils in edible films can be an interesting alternative.