Take care of your health
“Health is life. Care for it as you would care for your newborn child.”
Poor health will both reduce the time you have in this world and your capability to live the life you want to live. Therefore, if we want to live for a long time with a mind and body that can take us where we want, we must take care of our health.
I’m not saying life can’t be good if we’re sick, disabled or have other health challenges. I’m saying that people would like to feel capable of living the way they value and to live for a long time. Health, consequently, is absolutely fundamental.
Unfortunately, most of us only realize the importance of health when its gone. That’s a great shame. The good thing is that we’re capable of influencing our health and it’s easier than most people think.
Check out this link for a model that describes the key drivers of health and what to do to become healthy.