Hapi, god of Egypt
Discover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding Hapi, the Egyptian Nile god who was believed to bring the silt to the banks of the Nile. One of his titles was "Lord of the River Bringing Vegetation". He was often represented as an androgynous god depicted as partly male and partly female in appearance with blue colored skin with a crown of papyrus and/or lotus plants. Hapi was worshipped at Elephantine Island along with three other Nile gods called Khnum, Satet and Anuket, who were known as the Elephantine Triad. Additional, interesting facts about ancient Egypt, and its mysterious gods is also available via:
Hapi, god of EgyptDiscover the legends and myths and religious beliefs surrounding Hapi, the Egyptian Nile god who was believed to bring the silt to the banks of the Nile. One of his titles was "Lord of the River Bringing Vegetation". He was often represented as an androgynous god depicted as partly male and partly female in appearance with blue colored skin with a crown of papyrus and/or lotus plants. Hapi was worshipped at Elephantine Island along with three other Nile gods called Khnum, Satet and Anuket, who were known as the Elephantine Triad. Additional, interesting facts about ancient Egypt, and its mysterious gods is also available via:
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