Dietary fiber is another form of complex carbohydrate, but it is not a nutrient in the true sense. Fiber is the tough, stringy part of vegetables. fruits, and grains. Because it cannot be digest fiber serves other functions it helps move waste through your digestive system and helps prevent constipation. appendicitis and other intestinal problems Eating enough fiber throughout life may protect you some cancers and heart disease and can help you control diabetes. Just how fiber is involved is not vet clear, though some types of fiber are known to lower blood cholesterol and control blood sugar. If you are watching your weight. fiber has other benefits. Fiber-rich foods are bulky. so they offer feeling of They tend to be lower in fat and calories, and they may take longer to chew Most Americans may benefit from eating more high-fiber foods To increase the amount of fiber in your diet, eat vegetables and fruits, especially those with edible skins and seeds. and whole-grain products including whole wheat breads and pasta, whole rye bread. bran. brown rice, oatmeal, corn tortillas, and popcorn