As European Union legislation sets reduction targets to lower the incidence of human salmonellosis,
Member States are obliged to take effective measures to control Salmonella infection and contamination
along the pig production chain. This review considers the most important control measures in the primary
phase of pig production as well as during transport, lairage and along the slaughter line.
Pig feed should be free of Salmonella, and contamination after feed processing must be prevented.
Cleaning and disinfection procedures should be improved, although this can be complicated by the development
of biofilms and the interaction between Salmonella and protozoa. Further research is required on
the acid tolerance response of Salmonella strains regarding the use of organic acids in feed and/or drinking
water. Vaccination of sows and piglets can be helpful but can interfere with current serosurveillance as
no differentiation can yet be made between naturally infected and vaccinated animals.
Fasting, transport and lairage conditions should be critically evaluated and improved. Slaughterhouses
must avoid contamination and cross-contamination during all stages of the slaughter process. Scalding by
steam and implementing a second singeing step after polishing are beneficial. Attention should be paid to
the cleaning and disinfection procedures along the slaughter line. Carcass decontamination is a promising
approach, but needs to be considered as a tool to add to good hygiene practices.