2.3. Statistical analysis of complex symmetric structures
For studies of bilaterally symmetric structures, a two-way mixedmodel analysis of variance (ANOVA) is traditionally used to quantify symmetric variation and asymmetry (Leamy, 1984; Palmerand Strobeck, 1986, 2003). In this design, the ‘individual’ maineffect represents variation among individuals, the ‘side’ main effect stands for directional asymmetry (DA: on average one side is consistently more developed than the other; e.g. American lobster),
2.3. Statistical analysis of complex symmetric structuresFor studies of bilaterally symmetric structures, a two-way mixedmodel analysis of variance (ANOVA) is traditionally used to quantify symmetric variation and asymmetry (Leamy, 1984; Palmerand Strobeck, 1986, 2003). In this design, the ‘individual’ maineffect represents variation among individuals, the ‘side’ main effect stands for directional asymmetry (DA: on average one side is consistently more developed than the other; e.g. American lobster),
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