The use of DPPH* provides an easy and rapid way to evaluate the antiradical activities of antioxidants, but some
caution must be taken when using the method and interpreting the data.
From the results obtained in the present study, it is evident
that the interaction of a potential antioxidant with DPPH e
depends on its structural conformation. Certain compounds
react very rapidly with the DPPH e reducing a number of
DPPH e molecules corresponding to the number of available
hydroxyl groups. However, for the majority of the compounds tested the mechanism is more complex.
For a better understanding of the mechanisms involving the
DPPHe and potential antioxidants, it would be interesting to
characterize the reaction intermediates and products. To do
this, it is necessary to separate these compounds by chromatography and to identify them. It would also be very useful
to build a plausible kinetic model and determine the order of
the different reactions and their constants.