Findings of the ultrasound examination of the right upper
quadrant were negative for cholecystitis. Abdominal flat plates
showed no free air, no air-fluid levels, and an apparent unusual
gas pattern in the upper right quadrant with a rim of air inside.
On placement of a nasogastric tube (NGT) and suction, a few
strands of hair were found. After placement of the NGT, a
large mass was palpated in the epigastric region.
Computed tomography scans revealed a grossly distended
stomach containing a large quantity of undigested
material and some edematous loops of bowel with a small
amount of free fluid in the pelvis. A trichobezoar was diagnosed,
and the patient was taken to the operating room, where
she underwent exploratory laparotomy.
Her stomach was distended and pale, and the mass within
it extended from the antrum to the gastroesophageal junction.
After incision, a trichobezoar weighing 1350g (3 pounds)
was removed
Findings of the ultrasound examination of the right upperquadrant were negative for cholecystitis. Abdominal flat platesshowed no free air, no air-fluid levels, and an apparent unusualgas pattern in the upper right quadrant with a rim of air inside.On placement of a nasogastric tube (NGT) and suction, a fewstrands of hair were found. After placement of the NGT, alarge mass was palpated in the epigastric region.Computed tomography scans revealed a grossly distendedstomach containing a large quantity of undigestedmaterial and some edematous loops of bowel with a smallamount of free fluid in the pelvis. A trichobezoar was diagnosed,and the patient was taken to the operating room, whereshe underwent exploratory laparotomy.Her stomach was distended and pale, and the mass withinit extended from the antrum to the gastroesophageal junction.After incision, a trichobezoar weighing 1350g (3 pounds)was removed
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