Abstract—Organizations that operate in the market and are
trying to work successfully and thrive, they must act globally.
Last decade of the last century, testified that he began a period
of global competition, which is marked with standard
breakthrough of the world market orientation and
international organizations. The free flow of products is
increasing and customers are getting more and more choices
and thus becoming more demanding wanting always new and
better products. Today's customers are compared to a few
decades away more informed, the standards are higher and
they become larger requirements. They began to realize that to
have a lot of options available and one of them depends on
where and what will they buy and what services are willing to
pay. Developed countries have recognized the importance of the
changes that are happening and started to work on creating the
conditions that their organizations are better than the
competition in order to survive in the market, and thereby
create favorable conditions for the advancement of the country.
Will there be a quality problem or a resource of an organization
depends primarily of a basic attitude toward quality that exists
in the organization. Implementation of the quality management
system and obtaining ISO 9000 certification is not an easy task.
The purpose of ISO 9000 is to ensure that any product produced
most effective and efficient manner. Computer software that is
ubiquitous in the activities they are engaged in the organization
must be set as an object fitting into the overall system of quality
according to standard ISO 9000.
Index Terms—Customer satisfaction, implementation, ISO
9001, IT.
International Standard ISO 9001 promotes the adoption
process approach when developing, implementing and
improving the effectiveness of the quality management
system, to enhance customer satisfaction by completing its
requirements. For the effective functioning of the
organization must identify and manage numerous interrelated
activities. Activity or set of activities that use resources and
managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into
output can be thought of. Often the output from one process
directly enters the following process.
The application of the process in an organization, together
with the identification and interactions of these processes,
and governance in order to achieve the desired results, it can
be regarded as a 'process approach'. The advantage of the
process approach is ensuring permanent supervision of the
links between the individual processes within the system of
processes, as well as over their combination and interaction.
Manuscript received March 5, 2013; revised May 11, 2013.
M. Đulić is with the Faculty of Information Technology, Mostar, Bosnia
and Herzegovina (e-mail: mirhatdjulic@gmail.com)