global warming doesn't just that the world will slowly get warmer. Suprisingly is could caus certain areas of the world to ger colde-a lot colder. some scientists preier that northen europe and parts of castem North America could be plunged into an ice age. Earth's orbit tilt. The change in its orbit and tilt caused the northem hemisphere toreceive less sunlight which eventualiy resulied in an ice age there. But this time,it's Artic sea ice. Due to global warming,Artic sea in melting at an alarming europe But how could the melting of fresh water will pour into the flow of water from the Gulf of mexico to nothem europe and eatern parts of North Amarica. These warm ocean curreent keep the temperatures there warn than they would be otherwise. Arecent study of reduction in currents flowing north from the Gulf of maxico. If large-sacle meltion of Arctic ice continnes at the present rate it will evetuailly stop the Gulf Stream in a century or two withount the warm currents of the Gulf steam nortbem Europeand parts of eastern north America could experience a new age.