Suppose, they are not on the same point, what will happen, suppose, this P, I have applied here, what will happen? It will give a small trimming moment, now hopefully this trim will not be large to affect the model resistance, you remember we assumed that the model will not trim or sink, one of the assumptions we made for any calculation or resistance, that the between model and ship the trim should be similar, geometrical similarity has to be maintained. Now, by putting the tow rope point somewhere above the where the resistance worked, I will be introducing a small trim, now since I do not know where the resistance is I cannot help it, it will, some small error will be there, but mostly in all the model experiments that has been carried out for merchant ships within less than 0.3 Froude number, putting the tow rope point at half the draft or slightly less than half the draft has not shown any change in trim and in sinkage.