้handling conflicts in an efficient and effective
manner results in improved quality,
patient safety, and staff morale, and limits
work stress for the caregiver.1-3 The nurse
manager must approach this challenge thoughtfully
because it involves working relationships
that are critical for the unit to function effectively—
the nurse and other members of the interdisciplinary
healthcare team who must collaborate
while navigating responsibilities and roles that
often overlap. To handle situations of conflict,
the nurse manager must have the skills to help
effectively resolve them.
Effective resolution and management of a conflict
requires clear communication and a level of understanding
of the perceived areas of disagreement.4
Conflict resolution is an essential element of a
healthy work environment because a breakdown in
communication and collaboration can lead to increased
patient errors.5,6 The American Association
of Critical-Care Nurses standards for healthy work
environments recognize the importance of proficiency
in communication skills and The Joint Commission’s
revised leadership standards place a mandate
on healthcare leadership to manage disruptive
behavior that can impact patient safety.7,8 Although
effective conflict management skills have been identified
as an essential competency for the professional
RN to provide safe, quality care to patients,
reports of workplace conflict continue to rise.9