You got ready for school, got on the bus went to your class and sat down. Then here comes the kid and he sat next to you. Your classes had a sub for the day, and all you wanted to do was draw. Suddenly a piece of paper was put on your desk, you slowly took the paper and opened it. It read, “Hello...” You thought it came from the Red dressed up kid, so you wrote hello back and gave it back to him and immediately he started writing again.
You were almost done with your picture when he placed the note back on your desk, reading “Call me Red, it’s my favorite color....What’s your name..?” You noticed how amazing hand writing this boy had. You weren’t thinking he was the real Red, but a faint smile appeared on your face and you wrote back, “Call me (Y/n).” Giving the note back and looking at your picture, as it was the logo CreepyPasta with most of the characters including Red.