Mean values for the attributes of the coated and uncoated
fruits were subjected to a Principal Component Analysis
(PCA). By this analysis the space of seven variables
(quality parameters significantly related to the two first
factors) was reduced to a plane defined by two principal
components (Factor 1 and Factor 2) accounting for 60.0%
at the 13th day, 75.5% at the 47th day and 83.8% at the
97th day respectively of the total variance of the original
data. Nevertheless, at the 13th day the third factor is
needed to explain higher value of the total variation
(77.15%). So, it may be stated that at the 13th day,
differences among samples are not yet clearly established.
The factor loadings showed that the majority of tested
variables were related to the first factor. The peel and
pulp hardness and a* colour values are always positive
and significantly related to the first factor. The L* and b*
colour parameters did not show a uniform pattern being
related to both factors 1 and 2 depending on holding
Weight loss and SSC are negatively and significantly
related to respectively first factor and second factor but
only at the end of the 97 days