Determination of the functional properties of the noodles
For analysing the functional properties of the noodles, the cooking time, cooking loss
and cooking weight were determined after AACC-method 16-50 [AACC 16-50, 1999].
Cooking time: About 300 ml of water were heated until boiling and approximately 25 g
noodles of each formulation were put into the boiling water without salt. The cooking
time was reached, when the white core in the middle of the noodle disappeared.
Cooking loss: A few parts of the noodles dissolve in the water during the cooking
(depends on the protein network of the noodles) and thus, the cooking loss was
determined, weighing the residues after evaporating the cooking water. After cooking
the noodles with the optimal cooking time, they were poured into a sieve and the
cooking water was collected in a beaker. The cooking water was evaporated in a drying
oven at 95 °C overnight and the residue was weighed. The cooking loss was calculated
according to eq. 23.