The developed MSASS comprised of
staff from both government and private organizations and networks to contributed in the
collaborative work. There were four responsible groups: 1) Government official group,
including the District Chief Officer, the District-SAFC and Damrongtham Center officers,
police officers, physicians, nurses, and public health officers; 2) Community leader group,
comprising heads of the subdistrict and communities; 3) People representative group, which
included a member of the house of representative and the representatives of the Subdistrict
Adminstration Organizations-SAOs; 4) Expert group, included the experts from Khon Kaen
University (The Isan Substance Abuse Network) and Mahasarakham University (Faculty of
Medicine). Each group had to either carry out substance abuse surveillance, or participate in
the monthly meeting, or both. Details of the roles and activities of each responsible
organization and network were shown in Table 1.