The space–time variability of hydrological heterogeneity in the
Lagoon of Lesina is strongly influenced by meteorological and
climatic conditions. Due to its shallow depth, the characteristics of
the mass of water in the lagoon are mainly influenced by atmospheric
events, continental inputs and tidal exchanges. Temperaturewas
lowest in winter, as was salinity, due to the abundant rains
and continental inputs. In summer, when freshwater inputs fall and
higher temperatures result in faster evaporation, the highest
salinity values were recorded, also due to the entry of seawater
through the tidal channels. Dissolved oxygen reached its lowest
values (65% of saturation) near the freshwater inputs in summer. In
this period, the area near the Acquarotta channel had greater
salinity and lower dissolved oxygen, probably due to the decomposition
of macroalgal biomass which had accumulated above all in
that part of the basin. The area near the Schiapparo channel had
lower salinity due to the greater flow of freshwater into the eastern
part. The higher dissolved oxygen in this part was probably due to