The strange creature was as big as a person. It had goose feathers on its head. It had duck feathers on its arms. It had turkey feathers on its belly. It had chicken feathers on its back. Trailing behind it were lovely peacock feathers.
The strange creature ran toward Tom. It looked up at him on the tractor. It opened its mouth to speak.
"I didn't sell Madge," it said. "I didn't get the corn seed. But look at all the lovely feathers I brought back."
"Lucy? Is that you?" Tom asked.
"Yes, it is. We had a little accident at the bird farm," she said. "I don't think Madge wants to be sold."
"Well, I'll sell her," Tom said, and set off down the road with Madge under his arm.
The strange creature was as big as a person. It had goose feathers on its head. It had duck feathers on its arms. It had turkey feathers on its belly. It had chicken feathers on its back. Trailing behind it were lovely peacock feathers.The strange creature ran toward Tom. It looked up at him on the tractor. It opened its mouth to speak."I didn't sell Madge," it said. "I didn't get the corn seed. But look at all the lovely feathers I brought back.""Lucy? Is that you?" Tom asked."Yes, it is. We had a little accident at the bird farm," she said. "I don't think Madge wants to be sold.""Well, I'll sell her," Tom said, and set off down the road with Madge under his arm.
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