So that was Shin Hyesung. Minwoo had told him about him after they spoke over the phone about the job.
“Andy Lee” Andy introduced himselThe sketches and design plans fell from Andy’s hand as he watched at the man before him. He couldn’t believe it. Handsome and tall. He knew this man when he lived here six years ago and he was handsome as ever.
But his gazed was never this piercing before. He looked professional and fierce unlike the carefree but stubborn man he once knew. And loved.
This man was Eric Mun.
Both Minwoo and Hyesung seemed surprise that Andy and Eric knew each other. Hyesung looked intrigued as he turned his attention to Eric, while Minwoo looked concern, nudging Andy on the side to pull him out of his shock.
“Ah yes, This is Eric Mun, the owner of this hotel” Hyesung explained.
While Minwoo was able to give a proper greeting. Andy was unable to find his voice and just stared at Eric.
“It’s been a while” Eric said, but there wasn’t a remote of sense of nostalgia in his voice. It was terse, abrupt, merely making a statement. And it made Andy wince visibly as a lump of emotion appeared in his throat. as he shook the man’s hand firmly, giving him a bright smile.
“We saw in your resume that you had in lived this area before. We preffered to work with those people who had lived here. We like to keep things authentic, if you understand what I means?”
“No worries.” Andy replied. He had figured out that, so he made sure that most of his designs incorporated the Island’s natural beauty.
“Andy has been working for us for the past five years and had nothing but good reports of his work” Minwoo said as Hyesung led them to a room where they could converse in private.
‘Hyesung seemed cheerful and helpful enough. So working on this project shouldn’t be difficult. It should be fun, actually,’ Andy thought.
But that optimism faded away quickly when Hyesung showed them into an office… and there was someone already there. Waiting for them. The owner.