This research was intended to found out whether Samsipklip soaked in brine can reduce the amount of the substance formalin, heat can reduce the formalin and how long to boil Samsipklip can reduce the formalin by used a test kit to detect formalin in Food. The result revealed that Samsipklip soaked in brine before boiling had formalin came out more than Samsipklip soaked in water. When boil Samsipklip in brine at time 1, 2, and 3 minutes , the result revealed that boil for 3 minutes, formalin can make the most out of Samsibklib. The findings show that when Samsibklib soaked in brine then boiled for 3 minutes As a means to reduce the risk from foods contain substances fomalin residues.