Physical activity
PA was assessed with the Global Physical Activity Ques- tionnaire (GPAQ) [37], which was designed to measure PA in three domains for a typical week: work (paid and unpaid), transport (e.g., walking and cycling to get to and from places), and leisure activities (sports, active liv- ing) [37]. Within the work and leisure domains, informa- tion on the frequency and duration of both vigorous- and moderate-intensity PA was obtained. For the transport do- main, information on all walking and cycling activities was included as moderate-intensity PA. Weekly minutes of moderate- and vigorous-intensity PA were calculated sep- arately by multiplying the number of days per week by the duration of PA on an average day according to [38]. Re- ported minutes per week in each category were multiplied by the metabolic equivalent (MET; MET-minutes/
week−1), which is commonly used to express PA in-
tensity independent of body weight. Four METs cor- responded to the time spent in moderate-intensity