Data were collected after Institutional Review Board approval.
Students enrolled in psychology courses signed up for appointments
through a secure online database maintained for research studies.
Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Participants
were then administered a baseline survey packet,whichwas comprised
of demographic questions, the PRIME-MD, SASH, PANAS-X, and the two
body image measures. After completion, the baseline surveys were
collected and all participants were given a filler task, while each
participant was taken to another room to have his or her body
composition measured.
Participants were randomized into two different groups. Those in
the immediate feedback group were given a paper copy of the body
composition output as well as a brief written explanation of what the
outputmeant (e.g. body fat percentagewas above average). Participants
were asked to hold their questions until the end of the session. Those in
the delayed feedback sessionwere told theywould get to see their body
composition analysis at the end of the session and be able to ask any
questions at that time. All participants were then administered a
follow-up survey packet that consisted of the PRIME-MD, PANAS-X,
and the body image measures. All participants were then debriefed
and those in the delayed feedback group received written feedback.
Participants were given course credit for participation.