Peace, peace, peace. It is so important to find and create inner peace. As the world around you moves steadily into more strife and war, create peace within and detach from the drama. Be like the Buddha. Be like the Christ. Be like all of those world teachers who have come to show the way — who knew the eternal truths of existence. You will be like them when this process is complete. You will be like them when it is time for you to return for those who are going to need your help and comfort, who will need you to lead them to safety before the Pole Shift occurs.
This is a process, but there is also an “event” aspect to it. When it is the perfect time, the missing ingredient will be supplied and a door will open into another plane of reality. This is not something you can do for yourself at this time. It will be offered to you at the perfect time and in the perfect way for your particular circumstances. All of those who are meant to go with you will go with you at that time. They will be with you and you will cross through the door together — your children, your animals, your friends and family members who have chosen for Terra will go with you.
You may have children, friends, and family members who have NOT chosen to go to Terra and they will not go with you. All will happen in the perfect way for your particular circumstances. This is being done in love and we ask you to remember that love is the opposite of fear. If you are in fear about this, you will not be able to receive it. Let go and let God. It is still the answer to all questions. Let go and let God handle the details. We know what we are doing, and it will all be done perfectly for each individual situation.
Your task in all of this is to prepare yourselves to receive the changes with as much grace and ease as you can. Surrender is the way through. Resistance will only increase your discomfort. Let go and let God. If you look at those around you, love them enough to trust that they will have exactly the right experience for their life plan. If their Oversoul has chosen for them to go to Terra, they will, regardless of what they know or don’t know, regardless of what they believe or don’t believe.