This looks like a good house. said Sam. They rang the bell. An old lady came to the door. She gave them some candy and then said. "Have you change for fifty cents"? "Yes, ma'am, here are two quarters." She put her money in the box and they went on. At the next house the man who came to the door was very merry which will have," he said. "my fifty c piece or all my dimes you They looked at each other rather nervously. then Susan said. "The dimes please." He roared with laughter, and said"Good girl." and counted out"One-two-three-four-five-six-seven." Their next gift came from a little girl who insisted on putting ten pennies into Jane's hand. When they asked, "How much was it?" Jane said Enough for two pennies each." and dropped it in the tin At last. full of cookies and candy. tired. but very happy, they sat down at Paul's house to count how much they had collected What were the children doing?