Can I ask you about your painting process? You’re a photographer as well: You paint from the photos you take yourself?
I like that you see the source of my painting is photography. Photography is a medium that interests me for many reasons, mainly because photography is shaping our reality. … Most of what we know about the world came through secondhand information through photography. And it’s interesting how much people trust the photographic image. … But nothing can be easier manipulated, distorted, faked as well as photography, and it’s done all the time.
It’s like, I live in Ireland since a long time, and often people say to me, “Oh my God, how can you live in that country?” Like, Americans. Why? What’s the problem? “Isn’t that the country where bombs go off all the time?” Oh, you mean Northern Ireland. That’s a different country.
Can I ask you about your painting process? You’re a photographer as well: You paint from the photos you take yourself?
I like that you see the source of my painting is photography. Photography is a medium that interests me for many reasons, mainly because photography is shaping our reality. … Most of what we know about the world came through secondhand information through photography. And it’s interesting how much people trust the photographic image. … But nothing can be easier manipulated, distorted, faked as well as photography, and it’s done all the time.
It’s like, I live in Ireland since a long time, and often people say to me, “Oh my God, how can you live in that country?” Like, Americans. Why? What’s the problem? “Isn’t that the country where bombs go off all the time?” Oh, you mean Northern Ireland. That’s a different country.
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