Students needed to answer the questions in order to explain the phenomenon and to plan the experiment.
Then, students were required to explain their conceptual and procedural knowledge. The results obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inference. Consequently, frequencies and percentages were used to
obtain information. Part A and B of UTPKPP consist of 6 questions. Full score for each sub-question is 2. Total
full score is 40 and it is multiplied by the percent. As shown in Table 1, the score determines the level of problem
solving based on procedural and conceptual knowledge. The scoring scheme is based on the guideline provided
by the Ministry of Education.
To measure the correlation between A and B, SPSS 19.0 for Windows was used to combine both data in this
section. In addition, Pearson Correlation Test was used to determine the correlation between conceptual
knowledge and procedural knowledge which enabled students to solve problems. The first step was to determine
the hypothesis, the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The next step was to set the level of significance
and value, determine value and critical areas, and finally did the interpretation. The value of Contingency
Coefficients in Table 2 was used to examine the relationship between problem solving based on conceptual and
procedural knowledge (Earnest, 1994).