The machining time for the rectangular pocket is 180 s.
Consequently after machining 33 components the resource capability
profiling system, considers the 20mm endmill as unusable
andadjusts theprocess plansothat analternative tool isutilized.The
next usable cutting tool in the nominal tool library is an 18mm
endmillandthus, theprogramismodifiedtousethiscuttingtool.The
abbreviated capability adjusted STEP-NC process plan is shown in
Fig. 9. The tool change can be seen in lines #30 and #39.
6. Conclusions
Through the use of manufacturing resource capability profiles,
it is possible to optimize the generation of the process plan to
develop solutions that are appropriate for the actual available
hardware and software rather than the nominal values.
Capability profiles are generated by combining the nominal
resource models with actual values obtained from sensors on the
shop floor and predictive models. Although any nominal resource
model can be utilized for this purpose, the use of a standardized
resource model would substantially increase the breadth of the
applicability of the resource capability profiles.
With capability profiles, it is also possible to implement
production policies during the generation of process plans, thus
saving time and effort in comparison to implementing them
afterwards on the shop floor. This results in an increase in trust
throughout the process planning activity and leads to the
generation of verified process plans.