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[UI General]
LoginMenu_AccountFrozen=Login failed.
Account is banned.
FailedToCreateClan=Failed to create clan
FailedToGetClanLeaderboard=Failed to get clan list
ClanReserveNotEnoughGC=Clan Reserve doesn't have that much GC
FailToDonateGCToClanMember=Failed to donate GC to member
FailToDonateGCToClanMemberTime=You can only donate GC to a member that have been in a clan for at least a week
FailToPromote=Failed to promote member
MemberAlreadyHasHighestRank=Member already has highest rank
FailToDemote=Failed to demote member
MemberAlreadyHasLowestRank=Member already has lowest rank
NoSuchClanMember=No such clan member
YouCannotKickYourself=You cannot kick yourself
FailToKickMember=Failed to kick member
ClanMemberWasKickedFromClan=Clan member was kicked from clan!
FailToLeaveClan=Failed to leave clan
CannotLeaveClanWithGCBalance=Please transfer any remaining GC balance from the clan before trying to disband it.
FailToDonateGCToClan=Failed to donate GC to clan
FailToDonateGCToClanTime=You can only donate GC to clan after one week since you joined it
FailToAnswerApplication=Failed to answer application
FailToSendInvite=Failed to send invite
InviteSentSuccess=Invite sent successfully!
FailAcceptInvite=Failed to accept invite
FailToBuyMoreSlots=Failed to buy more slots
YouAreAlreadyInClan=You are already in a clan.
FailApplyToClan=Failed to apply to clan
SuccessApplyToClan=Successfully applied to join clan
YouNeedCharBeforeCreatingClan=You need to create survivor before creating clan
ClanNameNoSpecSymbols=Clan name cannot contain special symbols
ClanTagNoSpecSymbols=Clan tag cannot contain special symbols
CharacterNameCannotContaintSpecialSymbols=Survivor name cannot contain special symbols
CharacterNameCannotContainProfanity=Survivor name cannot contain profanity words