Are all your items authentic? Yes, all of our auctions are guaranteed to be authentic. We will back our auctions and we do offer a 14 days money back guarantee.
Are these stock photos, or are they the actual item being auctioned? Yes, all items are actual items being photographed. Our staff photographers try their best to capture the details. Buyers can careful review the pictures to access the condition before placing their bids.
Do you restock an item after it is sold? We do not restock items, each auction is an unique item from our suppliers.
Why does the shipping cost are sometimes fairly high? We ship our items via the most appropriate shipping partners base on the size and weight. We strive to offer the most amiable shipping solution for both parties.
Can I have the item shipped express/ overnight? Yes, just simply select the express option during check out.
Do you offer combined shipping on multiple purchases? Yes, we do. We will combine multiple winning auctions or purchases within 2 days from initial first purchase. Also leave a note on checkout for multiple purchases.
How long do I have to pay for my auctions? We give all our buyers a 48 hours time frame to pay for all auctions. Ebay’s Automated Unpaid Assistant will open a case against non-paying buyers.
Do you charge sales tax? Yes, sales tax are charged to New Jersey residents and it can be exempted with a reseller's certificate. The certificate will need to be emailed to us before the reimbursement of tax.