Both patients were participating in an on- going study of prototype high Dk silicone hydrogel lenses (lotrafilconA, CIBAVision Inc) on a 30-night extended wear sched- ule with 30-night replacement. Patients were reviewed one week after commenc- ing extended wear, after one and three months of extended wear and thereafter every three months. Patients were encour- aged to remove and clean their lenses, fol- lowed by a night without lens wear if re- quired, and to remove, clean and reinsert lensesduringthedayifnecessary.Thecare regimen, when required, involved clean- ing with Miraflow cleaner and disinfection with AOSept disinfecting solution. Softwear saline unit dose (CIBA Vision) was used both for rinsing and as ineye wetting drops. The patients presented to the clinic at regular scheduled visits and were asked to contact the clinic via a pager service if they experienced any significant symptoms associated with contact lens wear. All procedures were conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975,as revised in 1983and all patients gave informed consent.