According to the administrator in the interview process, when discussing how the
school must shift in preparing students for the 21 st century, A1 emphasized that the
school requires teachers to complete the technology integration courses for the CFF
grant. A1 did not attribute 21 st century educational context to higher order thinking skills
with a change in the instructional model of the school. Instead, in the interview, the
administrator, spoke heavily about technology integration, suggesting that a multitude of
electives helps define a high performing 21 st century school. A1 mentioned the
Classrooms for the Future (CFF) grant as the vehicle in creating a 21 st century school. A1
stated, “I’m really working hard to prepare kids for when they leave this school. This
means preparing teachers to prepare students.” A1 then continued by explaining the
cohort-training schedule for the CFF courses and need for professional development in
order to help the staff reach the district’s goals. However, the professional development
and staff training was solely based on the Classrooms for the Future grant and did not
offer a personalized approach to the individual needs of the students and the teachers
because it did not take into consideration a teacher’s prior knowledge and comfort level
with technology.