Your partner will have a condition on their visa that limits their
period of studyin Australia to a maximum of 3 months.
If your partner wants to undertake a course of studybeyond
this period he or she must apply for a student visa in their own
right. This application for change of status from family unit
member to student may be made in Australia.
A school-age familyunit member (one who has turned five but
has not turned 18 years of age) who will live with you in
Australia is expected to attend school in Australia. You must
provide evidence of enrolment for them if you want them to be
granted a student visa as a familyunit member. In most cases,
public and private schools charge fees for familyunit members
of student visa holders. You should check the exact fees with
the school where yourfamily unit member will be studying.
You are responsible for their education costs in Australia.
How to lodge your application
If you are applying in Australia you may lodge your application
in person, bymail or electronicallythrough our website.
Electronic lodgment is the preferred method of lodgment.
Applying in person
In some states or territories in Australia you mayneed to make an
appointment to lodge your application. Please telephone us on
131 881 for advice about whether you need an appointment. If
you need an appointment you will be able to make one when you
Complete application form 157A Application for a student visa
and lodge it with your supporting documentation at an
appropriate Australian Government office if you are applying
outside Australia, or at anyoffice of the department before your
current visa expires if you are entitled to applyin Australia.
Electronic student visa
Some people are eligible to apply through our website for an
electronic student visa. Eligibility is restricted to the following:
• in Australia:
o a student visa holder seeking permission to work
o a student seeking a further student visa
o Assessment Level 1 applicant seeking to applyfor a
student visa (for example you are in Australia on a visa
other than a student visa).
• outside Australia, all Assessment Level 1 students are eligible
to applyfor a student visa on the internet.
Assessment Level 2 and 3 students should also check the
department’s website to see if theyare eligible.
Lodgment of applications by citizens of the People’s
Republic of China (PRC), Pakistan and Afghanistan
You must send your application to one of the addresses below if
you are applying outside Australia and you either:
• hold a passport for the PRC (excluding Special Administrative
Regions), and are normallyresident in the PRC or New
hold a Pakistani passport and are normallyresident in Pakistan
or New Zealand
hold an Afghani passport and are normallyresident in
Afghanistan, Pakistan or New Zealand.
South Australia Offshore Student Processing Centre
GPO Box 2399
Adelaide SA 5001