In-depth interviews (IDIs) will be conducted at baseline and 12 months with a sub-sample of patients and care- givers to gather information on the impact of CBR and other factors on the experience of illness and recovery. Around eight to ten participant dyads from each treat- ment arm will be included depending on when theoret- ical saturation is reached. After gaining separate informed consent, interviews will be audio-taped, tran- scribed in Amharic and then translated into English prior to conducting a thematic analysis. IDIs will be con- ducted with four to eight community leaders to under- stand their role in CBR and their perception of its potential impact. IDIs and FGDs will be conducted with CBR workers and supervisors to understand their ex- perience of delivering CBR and its perceived impact on participants. One or two focus groups will also be held with health centre nurses to understand their experience of working with CBR workers.