I couldn't get back to you immediately as I was busy organizing my artwork.
My favourite perennial plant is strawberry, because it's a really hardy plant. It doesn't need much care. It will make good groundcover without much sun. Even with little water it will live. It spreads across the ground without needing seeds, so a dozen plants can start an entire garden of it by the next year.
I also like the bell peppers, they are much harder to grow however. Here they are annual and must be started very early, but if you grow them I think you could have them year round.
I like pretty much everything in the mint family a lot because they smell nice. As a bonus they are very easy to propagate.
What are your favourite plants?
16:17 ICT
I forgot to mention flowers.
My favourite flower is the Welsh poppy. It grows in shady gardens, has lots of flowers, and the seeds are tasty.