Site history and silvicultural practices were obtained from past records. A diagnostic questionnaire was
distributed to the field supervisor of respective plantation sites prior to field survey and sampling. Inspection of
accessible plantations sites was carried out through a drive-through surveyto locate plants affected by crown
dieback, discolouration and defoliation.Prior to the sampling routine, a small stand of trees was assessed to
familiarize with the range of features and symptoms of wilt and dieback at the site. Survey fields were selected by
selecting two survey plots for each age class (1 to 6 years) in two compartments. Ten trees were observed and
recorded per survey plots (6 age classes x 2 compartments x 1 plot x 10 trees = 120 trees per plantation site).
Compartments were selected based on observation during drive-through survey and accessibility, along logging
roads and secondary roads. The first tree in a plot or compartment was located and its location recorded. The
second tree was located by walking along the row to the third tree from the tree for the first assessment the adjacent
tree on the next row is the second tree for assessment. The above procedure was repeated until 10 trees were
assessed. Dead trees and runts encountered during this procedure were omitted and the next tree along the same row
was selected (FIGURE 2). A runt is a severely under-developed tree that is not typical of adjacent trees [8]. A tree
health assessment form was completed during the survey.