The main concern in this research is the fact that a
government is about to waste time and money on a non
viable project despite the availability of technical and human
resources. The opportunity can be exploited to serve a wider
population with tremendous benefits. In this paper we will
investigate the viability, cost effectiveness and suitability of
clouds in education as opposed to stand alone infrastructures.
A framework which is inclusive of all learning institutions of
the country with ease of connectivity to a platform of
e-learning, computing applications and tools and research
portal complete with an online library would be a more
viable venture. If implemented huge cost savings will be
realized which could be channeled to its inclusion of the
universities and research institute component.
Krautheim in his work on cloud security discusses a more
secure framework where the client and the provider share the
securing aspects due to the involvement of many players.
Taylor in Computer Law & Security Review elaborates his
research on digital forensics which favor clouds since much
dispersed digital resources makes a nightmare on
investigations especially when various jurisdictions are
included. Due to the newness of cloud technology, very little
research has been ongoing and most are just scratching the
surface as the technology permeates. A few works like
ShaikSaidhbi’s in Ethiopia which looked at CC in education
and research showed that Cloud Computing is the better ICT
utilization mechanism for Education institutions
teaching-learning and service delivery requirements, for it
enables wise and strategic use of technology which
significantly reduces cost