Even though the "Jean Baptiste Say", a merchant ship acting as their pilot ship was stranded at Lamphurai and both sides sufferred casualties, this defence of the Royal Thai Navy was unsuccessful because of darkness and the inferior military might. In the wake of that incident, Thailand lost the territory on the right bank of the Mekong River, namely Srisophon, Siemrap and Battambong to France. After the "Rattanakosin Era Year 112 Incident", the cannons were never officially fired again up to their decommissioning in 1933. They were neglected and quickly fell into disrepair. In 1991, the guns were cleaned and restored when the Chulachomklao Fort was renovated to prepare for the construction of a statue of King Chulalongkorn. Then, on 12 August 2003, they were fired to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the statue establishment.